Thursday, July 31, 2014

50 Beauty Items That Are (Gasp!) Loaded With Bacteria

50 Beauty Items That Are (Gasp!) Loaded With Bacteria

Seriously, <i>so</i> gross.

This article was written by Aly Walansky and repurposed with permission from Beauty High.

If you're trying to steer clear of anything laden with bacteria, we have some bad news for you: Nothing that's part of your beauty routine is completely germ-free. Obviously, you can't avoid anything and everything in your medicine cabinet—but read on to find out what you should really be looking out for germ-wise in your everyday life.

"The moist environment of the loofah acts like a fertile petri dish, promoting mold and bacteria growth," says dermatologist Rachael Eckels, M.D., ZO Skin Health faculty member. Since loofahs are also abbrasive, they can create microtears in your skin that leave you susceptible to germs that cause common conditions, such as folliculitis (red bumps and pustules at hair follicles) and impetigo (yellow oozing or crusting on a red base). Sounds like a good reason to use a wash cloth to us!

Yours is likely extra-gross if you keep it anywhere near the toilet. Those bristles harbor bacteria from within your mouth, the air, and anything floating around. And if you bleed from flossing, there may be blood in there, as well. Make sure your tooth brush dries thoroughly between uses to minimize the amount of bacteria that survive on it.

If you add lipstick after eating a meal, food remnants can seep into the lipstick itself, eventually turning into bacteria, says health expert David Dragoo, M.D. The easy fix? Wait to re-apply.

Makeup Samples
Roughly 20 percent of makeup samples in the beauty department contain bacteria as well, says Dragoo. Since so many stores have good return policies now, it's best to sample the shades you're interested in at home and bring back whatever doesn't work for you.

Hairbrushes and Combs
When was the last time you cleaned the hair out and gave that brush a good cleaning? Your dirty hair and the oils and products you're using are accumulating all the time.

Nail Clippers, Files, and Buffers
Think about all the places your hands have been. In salons, these tools are cleaned between uses—but do you do so at home? If not, it's time to start.

Makeup Brushes
It's a similar situation to toothbrushes if you keep them in the bathroom. When you flush the toilet, bacteria can go into the air—and with your brushes sitting near it, they become a landing site. But no matter where you store them, your brushes need to be cleaned regularly since they're used to apply product to your face and can harbor bacteria in the bristles.

Click HERE to see 40 more things riddled with germs from Beauty High.

More from Beauty High:
7 Sneaky Ways Bacteria Can Get Into Your Beauty Products
How to (Really) Clean Your Makeup Brushes
Growing Out Bangs? 10 Ways to Look Chic


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