Thursday, January 31, 2013

Which Drinks Are Best For Your Health And Diet Plan

A human body need water or any other liquid drinks to survive healthy and physical energy. Deficient of liquid is in a body become cause of dehydration. As we come to know that any liquid is most essential requirement of alive body. But must consider two aspect, first what type of drink you choose for your health and secondly how much use daily.
            A human body contain water about two-third of weight of healthy body. Requirement of body depends upon many factors likes as temperature of atmosphere and nature of work etc. a normal requirement is about 105 liters/day (9 to 15 glass water or any other drinks). But be careful only take those drinks that are good and benefited as a part of your health and diet. Water,milk and fruits juice are best for your health and diet plan. Try to avoid alcohol, fatty, fizzy and sugar soft drinks that can harmful for your health. So don’t choose these drinks as a part of your healthy diet plan.
            Healthiest and most easy choice as a drink is water. Water is best choice for thirst because water has not containing sugar or calories that are harmful for your health and can damage your teeth. Average people has not like simple water as drink, they want some soft drinks which give some taste. Although simple water has not any taste but you can add some lemon or lime or fruit juice for taste.
            For young children milk is a best healthy choice as drink because milk is a best source of calcium  and vitamins. Fruit juices also a best choice for all ages especially for children. But be careful regular use of those juices that contain sugar can damage your teeth and cause of tooth decay. But don’t worry its best that you use sugar containing juices with meal, In this way you can protect teeth.
            Fizzy drinks and squashes are also containing sugar so try to minimize the use of these drinks.
            Energy drinks also has caffeine that make us more alert, but these drinks are not appropriate for children or babies and pregnant women. Sports drinks only use when you are doing staying power sports and your body need to be energize. Sports drinks have their limits to be used otherwise you will be out of game affecting by rules of game tests.
            I suggest that only use those drinks that give you health and avoid from that are harmful for your health and diet plan.

How To Get Rid Of Itchy Skin With Home Remedies

There are many ways to get rid of itchy skin naturally. Itchy skin disease also known as pruritus, it is a feeling that arises automatically makes a person want to scratch spontaneously. But the act of scratching can lead to something more severe the appearance of redness on the skin and scratches. Even sometimes the itching was increasing because irritation persists of the skin.


Fifty Facts and a Catch Up


Blog Instsgram pics Jan

Pretty Snow- Cookie Dough- YouTube video- Dinner-Sunrise- The Hospitality Show 2013-Playing in the snow- Chilli and Ginger Salmon- New running trainer insoles- Cajun Chicken and Wedges- Card from my boy- Mozzarella and tomato Chicken- Woolly Hat- Easter Egg- Posing before work- Baking cookies- Cutie George- The Devils Number-

So it is finally the end of January… what a long month! Pay day was yesterday and I’m already itching to spend it after a month of having very little money. I never learn! It seems that January is everyone's least favourite month, and although it’s not my favourite I don’t hate it. I think January is a great time to focus on yourself and enjoy life's little luxuries. I mean the majority of people don’t have any money and we have all set ourselves New Year Resolutions, so why not get cracking on improving yourself than dwelling on the end of the holidays.

I have had a quiet month on the home front but a very hectic one for work. This month I got to go on my first ever business trip and although it was only to the Birmingham NEC it was great to get out of the office and talking and networking with everyone else in my industry.

So this month has been great for my career and also for my blog. I have already completed one of my New Year Resolutions which was to film a You Tube video. I was so scared and nervous about it, but after getting such an amazing response from all you lovely people I have gone ahead and made my second video, which you can see above. The second one was so much easier to make than my first one, I felt more at ease when recording it and am happy to hear that my accent has toned down and is a bit more natural now! So to anyone thinking about dipping their toes into the YouTube world my advice is to do it! Yes it is scary but you will never know how it goes until you do it!

Subscribe to my Channel so you don’t miss my next video!

How has your January been? How have you been working on your New Years Resolutions?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Amazing Cabbage Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Besides being used in various dishes, Cabbage also provides many health benefits. In fact, cabbage is rich in phytonutrients and other vitamins such as vitamin A, C and K. These are all natural antioxidants that help prevent cancer and heart disease, prevents free radicals. Cabbage is also a good source of dietary fiber, providing nearly 15 percent of the recommended daily intake. Fiber is very

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Food for Health and Diet

All alive things are living on their own ways to live but one thing is common that makes them alive is food. Food is that entity that give you power. For healthy living your food must be in the shape of balance healthy diet. Many people taking too much food and unbalance diet. Some people taking too little food for fitness and healthy lifestyle, Both ways of diet plan are not useful and unhealthy diet plan. For comfortable and healthy lifestyle you must take care of your health and diet plan at all times.
   First priority in your life should be your health because if you are healthy then every thing is fine rather with your family or at your work place etc. To maintain good health you need to have a balance healthy diet plan. When you take a meal you must ensure that this meal is healthy or not. Is this eal helpful for you or not? You must have knowledge about the meal in all aspects.
  The people who are not caring about their health and diet. They have their own unjustified theories that healthy diet is expensive and complicated to manage. But very soon you realize that managing balance diet is not a problem. In the current situation there are very very big and important theories and balance healthy diet planes are available on internet. Many particular researches on diet items. Other than this best way to determine what is best for health, you read the label of every product and ingredients to be used. This is very simple and easy way to maintain healthy diet.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Star Fruit Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Many benefits can be obtained from the star fruit. Star fruit (Averrhoa Carambola) has efficacy as an antipyretic and expectorant, so it can be used for treating coughs in children. The fruits that contain lots of vitamin C has its benefits as anti inflammation, analgesic, and a diuretic, so it is good for healing coughs, ulcers, sore throat, a fever, to overcome the problem of diabetes, and

Sunday, January 27, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Athlete's Foot With Natural Way

There are many ways to get rid of athlete's foot naturally. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that develops in the moist areas between the fingers stiff and sometimes on other parts of your foot. Athlete's foot usually causes itching, stinging and burning. The disease is caused by a fungus, Trichophyton or Epidermophyton, the legs will form a smooth scales or itchy rash, rude and cause pain

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Five Ways to Get Beautiful Healthy Body

Today we are going to view that how can we achieve beautiful healthy body without fat. “Health and diet” are two aspects of your life, which are most important to achieve health body. Healthy diet gives power to your body and good health gives you healthy body.  Those people who are worried about their beautiful and healthy body and searching ways to decrease the fat. Here you can find many usual manner, through that you can burn overload fat. Let's discuss five easy ways to get beautiful and healthy body.
1. Swimming is healthy exercise to reduce your body fat. It helps you to burn your fat and helps to build muscles. You can swim in your routine style and swim a number of laps in a session.
2. Morning and evening healthy walk is the most excellent way to burn fats. Morning and evening walk will burn calories and increases the body's metabolism. A regular walk can improve your health and help you to lose weight. It's good for muscular strength and also strengthens bones and joints.
3. Running is another choice if you desire to reduce your fats fast. It assists you to destroy surplus fat quicker than any other exercises. You can do this exercise one or two times daily to achieve healthier results. Try to use flat surfaces for running like jogging track in parks are most suitable for this exercise.
4. This is a healthy and effective exercise to reduce excessive fat. Lay down on a mat or plain bed. Place a ball in front of legs. Put your legs on the ball and lift your hips up and slowly spin the ball towards your hips. But be careful during this exercise you do not fall from ball. This exercise has very healthy and effective workout.
5. You can get the thin legs while building calf muscles. It assists you to get healthier results rapidly. You try to roll up and down your toes in this exercise.
These five ways helps to get healthy body by reducing the surplus fat in your body. You can do these exercises as a part of your routine and regular exercise. These tips help you to get healthy life style. In parallel you should be careful about your diet plan. The people who are more caring about their health and diet get their achievement easily

Apple Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Apples have a variety of health benefits. In apples, contains many vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and vitamin C. There are also a number of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc. Other elements such as fitokimian, tannins, fiber, baron, tartar acid is also contained in apples.

With the vitamins, minerals and other elements in the apple, making it

How To Get Rid of Scabies Properly

There are various way to get rid of scabies. Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused small animals (mite) called Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites dig holes in the skin and cause intense itching in the area. Itching to be stronger especially when you sleep. Scabies is contagious and spreads rapidly through physical contact. Although drugs are given to kill of small animals, you will still

Friday, January 25, 2013

Health Benefits and Nutrition Fact of Candlenut

Candlenut is a type of herb that has many benefits. Candlenut or Aleurites Mollucana. In addition to be a spices, Candlenut are included in Euphorbiaceae tribe can overcome various digestive problems such as bloody bowel movements, diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain, constipation, fever, mouth sores, and toothache.

The herb known by western society as the Candleberry, Indian Walnut and

Fitness Friday| Healthy Living Tag| My Personal Regime


So this Fitness Friday is a little different to my other one’s and gives you a little insight into my daily life and routine, and my battle to become a healthier person. I have had quite a few of you ask me over the past few weeks what regime or routine I follow, or how did I lose weight, so this tag is perfect timing really!

I was tagged by the lovely Maya Craig from Super Food Babe, she is an avid Tone It Up girl and a great inspiration.  Her blog is full of healthy recipes and motivating posts, go check her out!


health salad-horzFit girls look good naked 

1. What did you eat for breakfast?

Today I had a banana and cereal bar at my desk. I admit that this is not the best start to the day and I do really need to work on my breakfasts. However I take pride in the fact I actually eat breakfast now, as I never used to and something is better than nothing!

2. How much water do you drink a day?

I drink LOADS of water! I have a glass when I wake up in the morning then go through 2 litres while I am at work, and then have another few glasses in the evening. So I imagine it’s about 3 litres of water. Water and tea are the only things I drink day to day. The easiest thing to do to make sure you drink more water is always have a bottle with you; on your desk, in your bag etc.

3. What is your current favourite workout?

I love my running! I am very happy that I finally do, it took me about 3 months of dragging myself outside and forcing myself to run 3/4 times a week to get to the point when I enjoyed it again. I admit somedays I have to force myself to do it and don’t enjoy it, but I mix it up. Somedays I run on the treadmill, others I go outside. Sometimes I’ll aim for distance, or I’ll do intervals, or hill sprints, or try for my quickest mile… keep it fresh and exciting!

4. How many calories do you eat a day?

I do not have a clue! I don’t calorie count at all. I have an idea of what I should aim for in each meal so if I buy a sandwich at the shop I know which one to buy. If you are calorie counting and trying to lose weight the amount of calories you need to eat vary for everyone, it all depends on your height, age, weight and exercise level, you can used online calculators like this one as a guide.

5. What are your favourite healthy snacks?

I love hummus and veg sticks, nuts, dried fruit, rice crackers etc. I get a lot of great snacks from my Graze box, which helps, especially when I have the nibbles in the office. One of my favourite healthy treats to have is a banana sliced in half and spread with a thin layer of Nutella… chocolaty goodness!

6. What do you usually eat for lunch?

I have soup everyday, either homemade, or a cup-a-soup if I’m unprepared. I have my soup with either some rice cakes, fruit, nuts, or carrot sticks and hummus. I am planning to become more organised and make more salads to take for my lunch, especially when Spring time comes round.

7. What is your favourite body part to strength train?

I’m torn between my arms or my bum. I love to train my arms because there are so many different exercises to do, plus you can see results VERY quickly so it’s very motivating. I also love to train my bum as I love to do squats. They work you hard, burn more calories than other strength moves and give you an amazing bum… what’s not to love!

8. What is your least favourite body part to strength train?

Either my abs or legs as they hinder the next day’s exercise and daily tasks. There have been times when I struggle to walk up or down stairs, or end up in pain whenever I laugh or sneeze. However the pain is always a good pain, as atleast I know I have worked my body hard!

9. What are your “bad” food cravings?

EVERYTHING! I love food, and love unhealthy food. I could not live without chocolate, Dominos Pizzas, or a crunchy fresh white baguette or bun! It is just a matter of learning not to eat unhealthy food everyday. However if I fancy a Dominos Pizza I will have one, I just choose a thin base, low fat cheese and a smaller size than what I used to have.

10. Do you take vitamins or supplements?

I don’t at the moment, but I do sometimes. If I am ill I will pop vitamins C everyday. I do try and take a multi-vitamin if I remember or some calcium supplements as I don’t get enough in my diet as I hate milk.

11. How often do you eat out?

About once a week. My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship so at the weekend we like to go out for lunch or dinner together as a treat.  Because I know this happens I can compensate for it during the week. I make sure I eat healthy throughout the week as at the weekend I have a treat to look forward to!

12. Do you eat fast food?

Yes! I am human after all! I am trying to become a healthier person, but I don’t see why I can’t have a pizza every once in a while. I used to have a takeaway atleast once a week, however now it is more like once every three weeks/ a month. Being healthy is about moderation, not deprivation!

13. Who is you biggest supporter?

I would like to say myself, as I’m the one who pushes myself out the door into the cold to go for a run when I really don’t want to, however I know I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the support from my boyfriend and my family. They are constantly telling me “well done for going for a run” and “look how skinny you’re getting”. Just the other day my boyfriend was telling my that I was disappearing!

14. Do you have a gym membership?

No. I tried the gym and figured out I can do everything I do there at home! It’s a lot cheaper! My mum and I have a lot of equipment between us; treadmill, weights, exercise balls and DVD’s. However you don’t need any equipment to workout! The road is free… get out and run! Use your own body weight for your strength training… squats, lunges, push-ups, the plank are all free to do and super effective!

15. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

I aim for 7.5 as that’s the optimum, however recently I’ve been a busy bunny, so it’s more like 7 or 6.5 on a bad night!

16. Do you have a “cheat” day?

I don’t have a designated cheat day, but if I fancy a treat I will have one, I just make sure I don't’ have seconds, or have a treat the next day. If I’ve really indulged I’ll add an extra mile to my run, or make sure I workout twice the next day.

17. Do you drink alcohol?

Of course I do… I could not live without my champers! However I drink a hell of a lot less than I used to. I think alot of it comes from not being at university any more. However most of it comes from getting older… I’ve always had bad hangovers, but they are just getting worse, and I hate wasting my days off in a hung-over state.

18. Do you have a workout buddy?

I workout with my mum sometimes (when she isn’t injured, which she has been recently) and I also drag my boyfriend out for runs on Saturday and Sunday mornings. It’s nice to have someone beside you as you can encourage each other.

19. What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a Healthy Lifestyle?

Probably that I love running again. I used to run alot before I went to uni and enjoyed it so much, but when I stopped doing it and then tried back at it, I found it difficult and punishing so I would never continue with it. However after many months of pushing myself I now have a changed state of mind. I now wake up on a Saturday morning and think “oh the weather’s nice, what a great day for a run!” ….  6 months ago you would of had to drag me out of bed on a Saturday morning.

20. What was the last healthy thing you did?

Last night I went out in the sub zero temperatures and pushed my tired legs to run 5k for the second day in a row. I am feeling it today, but I also never felt more proud when I had finished my run!


I hope the above answers helped demonstrate how I try to live a healthy life, and perhaps gave you some ideas and tips! Let me know if you are going to do the tag, leave your link below.

I do want you all the comment by answering… What was the last healthy thing you did? Lets share the inspiration and give ourselves a pat on the back by acknowledging our little accomplishments!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Hair Loss Naturally

Getting rid of hair loss do not have to be done through costly treatments in the salon. You can reduce effectively in a natural way. Causes of hair loss can be influenced by many factors, ranging from hormones up to other external factors. For some people, hair loss is a terrible thing, especially for women.

According to the survey nearly 50% of women experience hair loss, and hair loss

Amazing Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact Of Soursop

Soursop has many health benefits. Soursop has so many nutrients, including carbohydrates, fructose, various vitamins and ascorbic acid. Sour-sweet taste of soursop fruit makes it a favorite for a variety of juices and beverages. Soursop sour flavor comes from organic acids, particularly malic acid, citric acid, and the acid isositrat.

Soursop (Anona muricata Linn) This plant from tropical

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How To Get Rid of Keloid

Many people think keloid can not be eliminated, but the technological and medical developments already have a solution to get rid of keloid. Some of them you can try with consult a doctor. Medically, Keloids are usually not dangerous, but the disease may affect the appearance. Sun exposure during the first year after the keloid forms will cause the keloid becomes darker color, brown of the

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Soap & Glory Archery Review| My First YouTube Video

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So this post both excites me and terrifies me! This contains my first YouTube video… you can actually see me and hear me and Oh My God do I actually sounds like that! So yeah! The video is a review if you hadn’t guessed by the title of this post. It is a review of another Soap and Glory product, the Archery Brow Tint and Precision pencil*.

Soap and Glory say;
“Distinctly “no-brow”? (Or could do with a fullness boost?) Brush-on-brows and fill in any gaps with the all-day, long-wearing precision-point stain, then use the crayon to give your brows the perfect shape.”

I say;
“ I love this product! I admit I don’t have many to compare it too as am fairly new to the whole looking after your eyebrows thing. However I wouldn’t purchase any other brow pencils now as this one works wonders. It really gives great definition and it lasts all day! What more could you possibly want.”

I decided to do a video on this product as I don’t think the photos you can see above do the product any justification at all. I do have quite thick eyebrows in the first place but I thought a video would be able to show you how to use the product and the results it actually gives. I will apologise for the quality of the video, I don’t think  my lighting was too great and at times it goes a little out of focus, but it is my first video so please be kind!

I hope you enjoyed my first YouTube Video. Please let me know what you think, and leave me any tips if you have any! Have you ever tried this eyebrow pencil before? Are there any others on the market that you think could rival this one?

P.S. Apparently I don’t actually sound like that, and I am in fact using my posh telephone voice… I will work on toning this down in my next video.

Health Benefits And Negative Side Effect Of Fish Oil

Research shows many benefits of fish oil for health, but the scientific evidence shows greatest benefit fish oil is for heart health. Compared to other animal fats, fatty fish (better known as fish oil) is very low in cholesterol. It is very beneficial to health because of excess cholesterol can cause health problems. Increasing public awareness of the need good nutrition to support health has

Monday, January 21, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Stress In a Healthy Way

There are many ways you can do to get rid of stress one of them with adequate of your daily nutritional needs. Stress is a mental disorder that can be caused by many things. Stress is bad for health. In addition to increased levels of cortisol in the body, stress can also make your concentration impaired.

The symptoms of stress:

     Became irritable and angry with friends, family and

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How To Get Rid of Dark Underarms Simple And Naturally

Dark underarms, will interfere with performance. Many women are looking for ways to get rid of dark underarms. Having a clean underarms is certainly more comfortable and confident, but if your underarms is black and contrast with arms color, it would affect the self-esteem, embarrassment, especially when using sleeveless suits. Before we talk about trick to eliminate dark underarm, we should

How To Get Rid Of Arm Fat

Excess fat in the arms is often a problem, especially for women. Arm fat makes look less attractive, especially when wearing a sleeveless dress. In fact, fat arms is more common in women than men. This is because man is more frequently lifting weights, than woman. Although already losing weight, sometimes fat in the arm never lost. To get rid of the fat that sagged in the arm, that you need to

Cashew nuts Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Cashew nuts are a delicious snack and have many health benefits. Cashew nut contains polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat, which is high. Both of these fats can increase your body's health. Cashew nuts also contain phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and high amounts of tryptophan. In addition, nuts are a source of vitamin B, potassium, and folic acid is good. Cashew nut contains more than 80

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Snow Day| A Winter Walk


landscape scenematt adn dogsmatt dogsCat and georgematt and i snow

So if you haven’t noticed…. I’m pretty sure you have seems you have eyes and everyone keeps going on about it… it snowed!! I love snow! Loads! I turn to an infant state of mind as soon as the first snow flake lands on the ground. However I have been sulking over the past couple of days as you southerners have been steeling all the snow! We haven't seen any over the past couple of days in the Lake District. The snow you can see in the pictures above is the remnants of the snow we had at the beginning of the week. So we don't have lots of fresh powder, just a lot of icy crunchy snow; still enough to take pretty pictures and to go sledging.

Matt and I went for a nice long walk with my two daft dogs this morning. The dogs love it! They spent most of the time rolling around in it, eating it and chasing snowballs or kids that were sledging. As I mentioned it was very icy, so much so that Matt managed to slip and fall down a hill which was very funny.. not to him, but for me it was.

I’m hoping that it will snow some more tonight then we can go sledging tomorrow! So I will be sleeping with my fingers crossed and one eye peeping out the window waiting on that first snowflake!

I hope you made the most of the snow, if you were lucky enough to get some. Has anyone gone sledging or made some snowmen over the past couple of days?

How To Get Rid Of Anemia Naturally

There are several ways to get rid of anemia. Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough red blood cells to get enough oxygen to your body tissues. If you are affected by anemia, you will feel very weak. Anemia can be temporary or long time and can vary from mild to severe.

If you are affected by anemia, it should immediately see your doctor because anemia can be a sign of

Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact Of Coffee

Probably most people who consume coffee assume that coffee can only eliminate sleepiness. But more than that, There are so many benefits we can get from coffee. As long as the experts expect the positive benefits of coffee comes from caffeine, but now experts also found that other components of these beverages, such as magnesium, lignans, and chlorogenic acid, has benefits that are not less

Friday, January 18, 2013

Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Various research activities conclude behind the spicy taste, cayenne pepper has many benefits, especially for health. Can reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol levels in the blood and can heal the wounds.

Results of laboratory research in the UK found that the content of capsaicin in cayenne pepper that cause a sense of spicy, can kill cancer cells without damaging normal cells. So it

Thursday, January 17, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones

There are several ways to get rid of kidney stones. Kidney stones do not have to treated with surgery. In some cases, surgery may be necessary, but most of the kidney stones, can be solved with an easier way.

In medical terms, kidney stones called Nephrolithiasis or renal calculi. Kidney stones are a condition with one or more stones in the pelvis or calyces of the kidney or in the ureter

Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact Of Pepper

Pepper (Piper nigrum L) save a lot of health benefits. Pepper is known as herbs and spice, pepper also has many benefits as a drug. Not many people know that black pepper has more healthy properties.
Pepper is very useful when used in a variety of recipes and as a spice.

Pepper is very important in components of world cuisine and is widely known as an important trade commodity in the Old

How To Get Rid of Dry Scalp Naturally

Dry scalp makes us uncomfortable because it will cause itching. But, there are several ways to get rid of dry scalp. Dry scalp causing itching, irritation, and dandruff. Dry scalp is usually caused by skin conditions such as eczema. In addition, often caused by diet, cold weather, and hair styling that makes hair dry.

Tips To Get Rid of Dry Scalp:

Keeping your scalp to stay healthy is

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How To Get Rid Of High Blood Pressure Naturally

Many natural ways to get rid of high blood pressure. Those who have hypertension usually have to take the drugs regularly to control blood pressure. But by making lifestyle changes, blood pressure is too high can be controlled and reduced.

High blood pressure or hypertension is a chronic disease most often found. A person is considered suffering from hypertension when repeated examination

Benefits Of Ginseng For Health And Beauty

Ginseng is a herb that has many benefits and has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Not only in the east, ginseng has also been widely adopted in many western countries due to a variety of health benefits. Ginseng is often used in traditional medicine, especially in China. The roots of this plant can improve blood flow and increase the production of red blood cells, and aid

Monday, January 14, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles On the Face With Natural Ways

Many women are looking for ways to get rid of wrinkles on the face. Wrinkles on the face is a symptom of aging which is very disturbing appearance. Many ways you can do to get a clean skin, free of wrinkles and blemishes. However you should be careful to choose which way you want to use. Because if you choose the wrong skin care, your face instead become damaged. Better you choose treatment as

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Health Benefits of Ginger And Nutrition Fact

Ginger is a spice and medicinal plants that rich in benefits. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a rhizomes plant, which are very popular as a spice and medicinal materials. Having a dominant spicy flavor due ketone compound, named zingeron. with the taste a lot of people use it as a drink to warm the body.

There are 3 kinds of ginger, big white ginger, small white ginger, and red ginger.

Motivation Monday| Work out Smarter Part 1| Interval Training



How is everyone's health and fitness resolutions going? Still going to the gym? Still eating healthily? I know I've slipped up a couple of times, but the trick is to not let it get you down! Success comes from getting straight back up when you fall down! Do not let one bad day become a bad week, then that bad week become a month…. get back to it!

From what I have gathered through talking to friends and through you lovely blogging ladies, changing your diet is the easiest task when it comes to changing your attitude to health. I have been in awe of many of your gorgeous healthy dinners on Instagram and Twitter. It seems to be the exercise that people struggle with, and as I personally love to workout I thought I would share some tips with you on how I have found the motivation to go from Couch Potato to Mad Runner!

To be fit, healthy and toned you need to balance a healthy diet with regular exercise. Now for many of you especially my fellow bloggers finding the time to workout if difficult... What with full time jobs, blogs to manage and write, friends and family to see and time to sleep... Where you you squeeze in a workout?

The trick is to workout smartly! You can do a half an hour workout 5 times a week and still see results quickly, you just need to make the most of the little time you have! This is where Interval Training comes in! Yes it is harder than traditional hour long cardio workouts but if you want to spend less time to get the results you need then this may be your answer!

What is Interval Training and How does it work?

Interval Training involves short intervals of maximum intensity exercise separated by longer intervals of low to moderate intensity exercise. It burns more calories than traditional cardio exercise because it involves you working to your maximum effort. Overall an Interval Training session consists of a warm up followed by 6 to 10 repetitions if high intensity exercise, separated by medium to low intensity exercise, ending with a cool down and stretching.

The benefits to Interval Training

  • It burns more calories, both during and after your workout as it takes your body longer to recover.
  • It increases your metabolism so you improve your overall fat-burning potential.
  • Improves your overall fitness and athletic capacity and condition
  • It works both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems.
  • It limits muscle lost that occurs during weight loss compare to traditional steady-state cardio exercise

The biggest advantage to Interval Training is that you can adapt it to your fitness level! You can alter the number of repetitions you do in a routine, you can change the length of your recovery periods etc. You can also do it in a variety of different ways; running, cycling, rowing or on the cross trainer.

Prior to the last two weeks I had not done much Interval training but since I have been doing it I have noticed a big increase in my fitness levels and running performance. More importantly I have been enjoying my workouts more! I hate the treadmill but as it is dark when I finish work I can’t get out on the fells to run so I don’t have much choice. I used to run at the same pace for about 45 minutes and be bored out of my mind, but since I have started Interval Training the time goes a lot quicker even though I am pushing myself harder than ever before!

I have been using the Tone It Up interval routines this past few weeks, you can see them above. But have also includes some others for you to try.

Have you ever tried Interval Training before? Do you enjoy it, and did you see any results? Let me know if you give this ago!

Friday, January 11, 2013

How To Get Rid of Toenail Fungus

There are several ways to get rid of toenail fungus. Nail fungus is a fungal infection of one or more of the nail. Nail fungal infection may begin as a white or yellow spot under the nail or nail tip. Nail fungus can spread deeper into the nail, it may cause blackened nails, thickened, and the edges were destroyed, and can be painful.

Nail fungus (onychomycosis or tinea unguium) most

Turmeric Health Benefits, Nutrient Content, And Side Effects

There are many benefits of turmeric for our health. The use of turmeric as a medicine to cure a number of diseases has also been used since ancient times. Along with the development of science and technology, some benefits of turmeric as one of the medicinal plants are many found.

Turmeric Benefits

Curcumin, a poly-phenolic compound is the principal pigment that imparts deep orange color

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Varicose Veins

Many women are looking for ways to get rid of varicose veins. Experience varicose veins disease, it is very embarrassing and make less confident. Varicose veins are not just a matter of aesthetics, but also can lead to other serious problems such as leg swelling, skin color changes, bleeding, blood clots, and pus.

Varicose Vein Causes

Varicose veins occur in the veins which carry blood

Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact of Honey

Honey is rich in benefits for health. Various benefits of honey have been known for a long time, even before confirmed through scientific research. In India, honey has been used for 4,000 years to improve eyesight, lose weight, cure impotence, urinary tract disorders, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, and nausea.

Honey comes from the nectar of flowers, collected, converted and tied with

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact of Strawberry

Many benefits can be obtained from the strawberries. Strawberry is a fruit that is rich in water and low energy (only 35 kcal in 100 g), while the fiber content is very high for a small strawberry and beautiful. The nutritional content is very good for curing several diseases.

Strawberries have the Latin name Fragaria chiloensis L. can be found in almost every country. Strawberry not only

My First Ever MAC Lipstick| MAC Sweetie


029-horz034MAC sweetie swatches

If you read my blog regularly you will know that I have never before owned a MAC product… that is until now! I have tried MAC products, but never really had the desire or funds to spurge on MAC, but thought I might as well try a product to see what the hype it about. To be honest whenever I have ventured into MAC it has always been too busy and chaotic and I’ve found some of the staff to put a bit off putting and unhelpful, so I always walked away empty handed.

Despite all this when I did my sale shopping I thought why not buy a lipstick seems I am loving my lipsticks at the moment, plus they do some amazing shades! So I spent about an hour comparing lipstick swatches online to see which one I should buy, and decided that since I was splurging £14 on a lipstick that I would pick a shade that I would use quite regularly so I went for a more subtle shade than the bold ones I have been buying recently.

I was not disappointed with my MAC lipstick, it has such a creamy consistency and applies like a dream even when I have dry lips. It lasts for a good few hours… not as long as I had hoped but the pigmentation is great so for the hours that it does last it looks amazing. Because it is so pigmented you don't have to apply too many layers so I image it is going to last me quite a while which makes me feel better about the £14 I spent. This lipstick has a shimmer to it unlike all the others I have bought, I’m still unsure as to whether I like the shimmer as I normally stick to matte shades. I was not disappointed with my MAC lipstick but I do like other brands just as much. The main selling point for me is the wide range colours that MAC have… there are so many more that I want!

What do you think of MAC lipsticks, are they worth the money and hype? Which shade is your favourite and would recommend for my next purchase?

How To Get Rid of Throat Mucus or Phlegm Naturally

There are several ways to get rid of throat mucus or phlegm. You are probably familiar with that disturbing feeling of having mucus in your throat, which can make breathing extremely difficult. Mucus or phlegm in the throat can be uncomfortable and cause bad breath or other health problems.

Phlegm or mucus is thick jelly like fluid different color from throat cough. However, mucus is part

Mango Health Benefits And Nutritional Value

Mango has a myriad of benefits that are good for the health of our bodies, can treat diseases such as cancer, helps digestion because it is rich in fiber and many more benefits and efficacy that we can get by eating mangoes every day. Mangoes classified as rich fruit beta-carotene and vitamin A. As a provider of vitamin A. Because rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, eating mangoes can also

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How To Get Rid of Shin Splints

There are several ways to get rid of shin splints. Shin splints is pain along the shinbone (tibia), the large bone in the front of the lower leg. Medically known as medial tibial stress syndrome, shin splints occur during physical activity and result from too much force being placed on your shinbone and connective tissues that attach your muscles to the bone. Shin splints are common in runners

Coriander Health Benefits And Nutrition Value

Although more commonly used in cooking ingredient, coriander actually has many health benefits. Coriander is indeed known for its efficacy in healthy digestion. Coriander has the Latin name Coriandrum sativum L. Coriander is one of the spices that very well known in the world. The aroma and taste of coriander is very distinctive and can flavor dishes, but not too sharp on the tongue.

Benefit of Baking Soda For Health, Beauty, And Household Purposes

Baking soda has health benefits, for beauty and for household purposes. So far we only know the baking soda as a cooking ingredient for cake batter. In fact, baking soda also has other uses and can be a 'savior' in an emergency.

It is interesting to consider for those who like the super low-cost natural remedies. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, is a staple in the kitchen that works for

Monday, January 7, 2013

Presents for myself| A Sales Haul



So again this post is late compared to all you other organised bloggers, but I’m going to do it anyways as I wanted to share with you what I bought myself this Christmas. I say that they are presents because my Christmas money went towards them, and a lot of it is actually stuff that was on my Christmas list but Santa forgot to bring me… not that I’m complaining as it’s always nice to treat yourself. I say treat myself, more like spoil… my bank balance is not looking great and it is mainly down to this haul and too much champagne over the Christmas period!

Anyways onto my buys. I did not venture onto the busy high-street to buy the above… there is no way you would find me fighting other people in queue to get into a shop the day after Christmas… no I am not one of those crazies that you see on the news. I am in fact a smug shopper who purchased all of the above without breaking a sweat and from the comfort of my office. Before I go on to my buys I have a little confession… the majority of what I bought was not in the sales… whoops! But everything I bought I have been lusting after for some time, so that’s my justification!

Stylist Pick provided me with the Luz Black Metal Detail Wedge which are perfect for work… even if they are a little higher than I imaged. These were my sale buy with the biggest discount with nearly 50% off, full price £38 sale price £20.

Asos did have a pretty good sale in which I bought more items for work, the Arrow and Stud Detail Waist Belt and Black and Gold Pumps, again both had around 50% off. The belt I bought a size smaller than what I normally would seems I’ve lost some weight, but it’s still a little tight so I won’t be wearing it till next month I image.

Debenhams was where I splurged and bought everything I have been lusting after for some time. I bought my first EVER Mac lipstick…yes you heard me right. You can expect a review on it very soon, along with multiple reviews on the rest of the gorgeous beauty buys I got from Debenhams. I bought Urban Decays Naked Palette 2 so I now have both… yeah! The Benefit set was the only product with a little money off, not much but enough to justify buying it. I had wanted to buy the Primer but thought I’d be better to buy a smaller version to see it I liked it first before I splashed the cash, so thought this set was perfect.

Many of you will recognise my final buy the infamous beauty blogger favourite; Muji Drawers! I have like many of you been eager to buy these for a long time, especially after buying some rubbish makeup storage this time last year. I needed something big enough to fit everything it, and something chic so thought the Muji Drawers were perfect! I bought 3 of the two drawer sets, a 9 compartment organiser and a pen pot for all my brushes.

Did you buy anything in the sales? Leave your links and I will check them out. What do you think of my buys?

Nutrition Value And 15 Health Benefits Of Broccoli

Broccoli has long been known as one of the vegetables that are healthy because of the various benefits and nutritional value in it. Broccoli not only contain antioxidants including vitamin C, broccoli is also a natural source of folic acid. Intake of folic acid helps prevent heart disease. Green vegetables and also potentially protect against the development of cancer.

Broccoli is one of

How To Get Rid Of Eczema (Naturally And Modern Ways)

Eczema is a common skin disease and cause intense itching and a burning sensation on exposed skin. But there are some ways to get rid of eczema. eczema or more commonly known with dermatitis that is inflammation of the skin due to a hypersensitivity reaction (exaggerated response) against allergens (triggers allergic reactions) from the outside (exogenous) or from the patient's body (endogenous)

Health Benefits And Nutrition Value of Dragon Fruit

There are many health benefits of dragon fruit. Dragon fruit is a beautiful fruit with an intense color and shape, the flowers were breathtaking. Like blooms at night, this fruit also called Moonflower, Queen of the night, and the Lady of the Night. Usually the fruit is dark red, it can also be found in yellow or pink.

Dragon fruit was originally known as pitaya. This night-flowering cactus

Saturday, January 5, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Toothache

Many people are looking for ways to get rid of a toothache. Toothache will make us very sick and uncomfortable. Toothache is pain in the teeth. Toothache is caused by problems in the teeth and the jaw, such as dental caries, gingivitis or jaw disease, and many more. Toothache is a symptom of heart disease, such as angina. Toothache can lead to heart disease and stroke.

Tips To Get Rid of

12 Healthy Foods For Healthy Teeth and Gum

You probably never thinking that the food you eat will affect dental health. To fight toothache and kill bacteria, some foods have an important role. Research also shows that having a healthy mouth may help prevent heart disease, stroke, preterm labor, and a host of other diseases.

Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems. There is no age limit for this disease. This can

Soap & Glory Breakfast Scrub| Review| We have a winner


Breakfast Scrub ReviewBreakfast Scrub 2

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that I am forever on the search for the perfect scrub, be it face or body, and until recently for my search had been unsuccessful… until now! I was recently given a selection of Soap and Glory goodies to try and the multi award winning Soap and Glory The Breakfast Scrub was one of the products I received. To say I am in love with this product is a bit of an understatement, so before I start rambling here’s my review for you.

One of the standout factors of this product is the smell, it is very sweet smelling, it basically smells like a bottle of maple syrup. So if like me you have a massive sweet tooth, you are in for a treat… I love it so much I actually find myself wanting to nibble on it as it smells delicious! If you don’t have a sweet tooth the smell may be a little overpowering for you. Hopefully the fact that the product works will let you oversee this.

You can see from the pictures it is a very thick and creamy scrub. It is a proper sugar scrub jam packed full of tiny little particles that you can really work into your skin. I mostly enjoyed this scrub because the little particles are very resistant and do not break up when rubbing them into your skin, therefor you can give yourself a good scrub to reveal gorgeous smooth skin. Even though the scrub is quite abrasive  the Shea butter in it means that it still provides moistures. however it is not a scrub to use everyday, I would say use it twice a week.

I have used this scrub quite a few times, as has my mum but you can see from the picture that it barely looks touched. I think it will last me a good couple for months which means the £9.50 price tag is very reasonable!

Have you tried this scrub before? What do you think of the maple syrup smell? Are there any other body scrub you would recommend; which one’s are your favourite?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Vertigo

There are a few tips to get rid of vertigo. Vertigo is a symptom of a medical condition characterized by the sensation of an unwanted headache. Vertigo makes the body feel pulled from one side to the other and is often aggravated by a spinning sensation.

Stress is not considered as a cause of vertigo, but vertigo can cause stress, and stress can worsen the condition of vertigo. A study

Fitness Friday| 2013 The Year of Health



It’s that time of the year again, gyms are getting full, health food shops have never been busier, and it appears that everyone is now running or cycling everywhere… all the time! Yes it’s the time of the year when 90% of us pledge that this year we are going to lose weight! So for 4 weeks the gyms are busy, the pubs are empty and we think that we’ve done ourselves some good thanks to our crazy detoxes or exercise regimes. Then it slowly creeps back to drinks after work, skipping a few workouts and before we know it your trainers are collecting dust in the back of your wardrobe and your fridge is fully stocked with wine and cheese!

So this year I am asking you to join me and not pledge to lose weight… no this year we are going to get healthy! You can do this anyway you want, be it small changes such as making your lunch everyday, walking home instead of getting the bus, having a 15 minute run round the block… it all still counts! Or you can really go for it and eat clean, train hard and challenge yourself everyday.

What I am aiming for, and I think you should all aim for is health! If you can change your attitude so you focus of making the correct choices everyday that will make you a healthier and happier person then the weight loss will not only come… it won’t creep back on! If you can teach yourself new habits… no more fizzy drinks, no more wine after a hard day at work, your weight WILL reduce, and it WON’T come flooding back on as it does when you go on crazy diets and detoxes.

What you, I, and everyone needs to remember is that weight loss is a lifestyle change! It is not a 2, 4, or 6 week eating plan, diet or regime. If you don’t learn to adopt healthy habits any weight you lose will just reappear over the year and you will be making the same resolution in 2014… to lose weight!

So my resolution this year is to make sure that next year, 2014, my resolution won’t be to lose weight!

How you learn your healthy habits is very much a personal journey, but for me I surround myself with healthy images, motivating pictures and interesting articles. For me I use my tumblr account where I follow other blogs who post pictures that inspire me to be fit and healthy, plus it’s great for finding workouts, challenges and information. I also subscribe to Zest Magazine on my iPhone, which cost me £19.99 for the whole year, which I think is a bargain! I also enjoy challenging myself and after completing my own Festive flat Tum Challenge and getting some great results, I am now going to follow the Love Your Body Challenge from the Tone It Up Girls. I know that Jayne from Miss Jayne Becca is a huge Tone It Up fan and will be doing this challenge also, so if you want to join us let us know, we can support each other! Having that support and encouragement makes it so much easier to stick to as well!

What do you think? Are you going to aim for healthy this year? How do you motivate yourself? Any tips, let me know!

Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact Of Asparagus

Asparagus save a lot of health benefits for the body. These vegetables are rich in antioxidants and is believed to protect the body from cancer. Asparagus contains a lot of nutrients, high in fiber, folate, vitamin A, C, E and K, and chromium, and minerals that enhance the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into the cells. It is a very rich source of glutathione, a

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Day 2012| Santa was a very kind man



So this post is a little late, I know the majority of you got your Christmas Day Present posts up on Boxing day or soon after, but I have been a very busy bee and have only just had time to sit down and relax after travelling around the country for the past 11 days.

Like many I was unsure as to whether write this post, as there has been some mentions in the blogging community that it’s bragging or showing off, however I have had people asking me what I received for Christmas and I want to share with them what I did receive, as I am very grateful and thankful. So if you don’t like these posts then please stop reading now…

If you are still there, I will continue. I’m going to keep this short and sweet, seems it is so delayed! I love these posts, as I am very nosey and love to peek into people lives. To find out what a person receives for Christmas can give a real snapshot into their personality and their likes, as well as the personality, traditions and tastes of their family.


I received a lot of cosmetics and beauty products… I assume you did too! I received the Soap and Glory Gift Set along with the Sanctuary Gift Set…. both are some of my favourite brands, so I’m excited to start pampering and reviewing some of my favourite products for you. The Lady Million perfume by Pacco Rabanne is a new one for me, I have tried it in the shops and loved it and Matt kindly bought it for me. From my friends I received a caviar nail varnish set and the ELF Smokey Look Palette, both I image will be fun to try and review.


I received two bags, a clutch and a tote bag, both I adore… a girl can never have too many bags! I also received a new purse from my mum’s friends, which is gorgeous, and she must be a mind reader as I was desperate for one but forgot to ask Santa for one. The leopard print and snake skin bag at the front of the photo are my new makeup and toiletry bags. I didn’t previously have a toiletry bag and was scared of things leaking in my holdall when I go away at the weekends, so was desperate for a cute one. I also got the red leather gloves… very glam! And a cute new brolly… definitely needed here in the lakes where it rains 90% of the time!


I always receive some gorgeous books at Christmas despite having a Kindle. As much as I love my Kindle I still love to have a bookshelf full of beautiful books and the two I received are both fantastic in their own ways. My mum and Steve bought me the Diva Dogs book which is full of info on your dog and how to pamper it. It’s quite funny, but at the same time has some interesting facts in it. The Pippa Middleton book I was pleasantly surprised with. I’d heard bad things about her book, and yes some of her ingredients are a bit ridiculous, but I love it! I can’t wait to start planning dinner parties and being the perfect little hostess. There is also a lot of DIY and crafty bits in it, which are all very cute. The DVD was a great surprise as it was my favourite film when I was a little girl, so my mum tracked it down for me! On the top of the pile are my new diary and organiser/ notebook. I was desperate for a Filofax seems I’m a working girl now, and Matt excelled himself and not only got me the diary but also a thinner, sleek notebook so I can go to meetings now looking glam rather than scribbling notes down on a notepad.

photo (72)

And this is my new baby! As you will have seen in my New Years Resolution Post I mentioned I received a new camera for Christmas and here it is! Previously I had taken all my pictures either on my iPhone or on a compact camera, and although they were ok, when the pictures were blown up and uploaded to my blog the quality was not to my satisfaction. You can even see on this post the difference between the quality of pictures; all the previous pictures were taken on my new camera and the picture above was taken with my iPhone. I’m still getting to grips with it as I’m a complete novice but I’m excited to be able to do more close ups and be able to write more Face Of the Day posts, as this little baby really picks up all the little details, including my blemishes and fine lines unfortunately!

I also received Michael Buble tickets off Matt as my main present from him. I already knew about them as I ruined the surprise when the tickets were released and I tried to buy them myself, so Matt had to tell me then that he had already bought some for us. However he was a little cutie and wrapped up the confirmation in a giant box and filled it all with tissue and put it under the tree so I didn't have clue what it was! I was rummaging around in what I thought was an empty box! So I have a wonderful weekend away in London in July to look forward to!

So that is my last Christmas post of the year… cue tears and sad face from me! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and managed to spend it with your loved ones and received some lovely gifts. Let me know what you received, I would love to know, feel free to share your link below.

How To Get Rid Of Stomach Acid Naturally

If you suffer from burning pain, bloating, and discomfort caused by stomach acid, then of course hoping get a drug that can work quickly to get rid of it. Using drugs that can be obtained on the open market and prescription medications can help relieve discomfort due to increase stomach acid. But these drugs would also carry a variety of unwanted side effects.

If we discuss the best

How To Get Rid Of Baggy Eyes

There are some natural ways to get rid of baggy eyes. Eye bags are often called panda eyes. Baggy eyes, dark circles, wrinkles under the eyes, or eye drops, a sign that the skin is experiencing the aging process. Therefore, do not wonder if someone could look older than her actual age because of this problem.

Eye bags characterized with the skin under the eyes are down, thus forming a

How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Naturally And Safely

Besides giving coolness, certain plants are able to help get rid of mosquitoes, especially on the outside of the house. This method may be effective to try. The use of anti-mosquito, either smeared or sprayed on the skin may be more preferred because it effectively repel mosquitoes. But, products made ​​from chemicals in general are toxic, can cause skin irritation, and leave the smell.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year| 2012 In Pictures


New Years resolutions 2New Years resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! I am writing this post nursing a tiny hangover after drinking too much champagne last night, while cuddled up on the sofa...I assume that I’m not the only one currently in this state! I had a lovely evening despite not being the biggest fan of New Years Eve as I think it is very overrated but I do like to take the time to reflect upon the year I’ve had and plan the year ahead. I decided to celebrate 2012 by sharing with you my favourite pictures from the year, you can see them above.

2012 has been one of the best years of my life, I graduated with a great degree, I gained a job straight out of university, I celebrated 5 years with my boyfriend, I was Chief Bridesmaid at my mum’s wedding, I got to travel new countries with my close friends and I saw my blog become a finalist in the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards.

There have been some low points in the year that have affected those I love, with cancer raising its ugly head in my family again (thankfully my Grandma won her battle), and my best friend’s marriage also broke down. But as I said the worst is over, and with 2013 being a New Year it’s a chance to put a line underneath all the negatives and focus on the positives.

As with every year I always like to set goals to achieve... much more attainable than vague resolutions. So to make sure I actually attempt to do them I thought I would write them down and share them with you.


  • Complete the 365 miles in 365 days challenge. Yes its only a mile a day to run, so not too difficult, but I hope by taking part in a challenge it will ensure that I keep up with my fitness streak.
  • Continue to lose weight and inches, and become healthier. As I mentioned in previous posts I don’t believe in scales, so don’t have a goal weight, just an idea on what I want my body to look like.
  • Complete a competitive run, be it 3/5/10k
  • Learn to cook. I have zero flair in the kitchen, so aim to put my food and nutrition knowledge into good use by actually cooking my own meals!


  • Learn to drive!! I need to do this!
  • Buy a car... just a cheap one to go from A to Z
  • Continue to develop and grow my career through both my performance at work, and through my blog and independent projects.
  • Move back in with Matt... as much as I love my family, living at home at the age of 23 going on 24 is not living the dream.
  • Actually use my savings account and put 5-10% of my wage into it each month
  • Spend more time with my family and friends. This was difficult this past year thanks to a gruelling final year at uni. So I aim to get the balance between work and play more equal this next year


  • Develop my photography with the use of my new camera
  • Film a You Tube video
  • Buy a tripod and remote for my camera
  • Develop my skills in html and continue to edit and adapt my blog layout
  • Take part in more #bbloggers #lbloggers etc. chats

So there we have it a reflection on the past year and my hopes and goals for 2013. I hope you all had a lovely evening last night, have had a great 2012, and wish you all the best for 2013. Thank you for all your love and support over the past year, I really do appreciate it as it makes blogging so much more fun!

What are your resolution and goals for 2013?

Health Benefits And Source of Vitamin C

As the water-soluble vitamins, vitamin C has many important roles in warding off many diseases. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, commonly known by this has a significant role in the formation of collagen which helps boost the immune system and helps the absorption of iron.

In fact, several studies have shown the benefits of vitamin C in lowering cholesterol levels and produce certain chemicals

8 Drugs That Should be Avoided Given to Babies

Consult a doctor before giving medicine to infants and toddlers. The immune system that still weak, it makes the baby more vulnerable to germs that cause disease. Even so, parents should be careful in giving medicines to them, even a relatively natural medicine or herbal. 

Your toddler is often susceptible to colds and coughs. But giving cough and cold medicines in children under 6 years