Friday, February 28, 2014

4 Dirty Bathroom Habits

4 Dirty Bathroom Habits

If you think washing your hands is all it takes to leave the bathroom squeaky-clean, you're in for a world of disgusting surprise. A study from the University of Colorado Boulder found that bacteria are swarming on virtually every bathroom surface, including soap and towel dispensers, stall doors, and toilet handles.  

Also, a British study found that even though 95 percent of respondents said they washed their hands with soap whenever possible, 82 percent of hands checked had bacteria on them, which means most of us aren't thorough enough under the faucet. Most of our commode customs, though, just amplify the number of bacteria we take out of the bathroom with us. Check out five of the worst habits.

Tweeting on the toilet
We know, you don't do this, but 40 percent of people 18 to 24 admit to using social media in the bathroom, according to market research company Nielsen. And that's just the people who fessed up. Since a 2011 British study found that one in six mobile phones is contaminated with fecal matter, you should think twice about how you kill time on the john.

"Water can also be aerosolized during flushing, and that mist can have fecal bacteria in it," explains Kathryn Jacobsen, Ph.D., associate professor of epidemiology and global health at George Mason University in Virginia. And while the particles won't stay in the air too long, they could land on anything near the toilet. 

Flushing with the lid up
If you don't want to splash bacteria all over your bathroom, flush with the lid down, advises Jacobsen. Pushing the handle can send particles splashing and floating as far as 6 feet away, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. In fact, a 2012 study from the U.K. found that bacteria known to cause diarrhea is sprayed nearly 10 inches above the seat when flushing, and that there was 12 times more germs around lidless toilets than those drained with the top down. 

If there is no lid, hit the handle with your foot: The same U.K. study found that the most bacteria was found right after the toilet was flushed, and in order to reach the handle, your face had to be directly over the water. Enough of a visual for you?

Keeping your toothbrush on the counter
Storing your toothbrush in a cup on the counter won't cut it:  Keeping it within 4 feet of the toilet increases your chance of contaminating it with fecal matter from the air, Jacobsen says. Toss your current one and store the new one in a cabinet or as far from the bowl as possible.

Pants on the floor
You probably don't think about how you drop trou, but if your pants fall all the way to your ankles, there's a pretty high likelihood they are now covered with bacteria: The germiest place in the commode is actually the floor, according to a 2011 study in the journal PLoS One. Researchers found swabs from the ground had 80 more bacterial species than swabs from other locations.  


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