Was singledom keeping you slim? Looks that way: Married men in their mid-20s are more likely to be obese than their single counterparts, says a recent study in the journal Families, Systems, & Health.
The reason: Once you've tied the knot, you may be less concerned about your appearance because you're no longer trying to attract a romantic partner, explains study author Jerica Berge Ph.D., MPH.
But don't blame your babe just yet. Instead, carry these three single-guy habits over into married life to stay fit and remain on top of your health:
Hit the Gym Alone
Workout partners are great--but distractions can compromise your workout, says Jon-Erik Kawamoto, C.S.C.S. And we all know that those spandex shorts of hers are distracting. If you're the hyper-focused-type--sweating with your favorite tunes in ear and a strict program in hand--working out solo means more productive workouts, he notes.
Bre ak a Sweat Between the Sheets
As the stressors of married life take their toll--i.e. kids, house payments, lack of free time--the desire begins to wane. In fact, the longer you've been with your partner the less sex you have, according to a study from University of Chicago. But there's a good reason to make time for desire: Men burn 100 calories in the average sex session, which breaks down to 4.2 calories per minute, according to a study from the University of Quebec.
Be Stingy With Your Meals--and Money!
When "me" became "we", you naturally started ordering and preparing more food. Resist that temptation. When eating out, channel your single self who wanted to keep his body--and wallet-- in tact, says Dustin Riechmann, co-founder of FitMarriage.com, a fitness program geared towards keeping couples fit. Try this trick: Only bring cash when you and the wife dine out. One Cornell University study found that people spent 43 percent less when they had to use paper bills to pay, because it was more psychologically "painful" than swiping plastic. By setting a limit on how much you spend, this may keep you from ordering that extra appetizer or dessert.
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