Saturday, August 17, 2013

New Challenges| A Life Update

New Challenges| A Life Update



Although I have been posting quite regularly, I feel like I haven't actually been putting much of "me" in my blog spots recently, and I think a lot of that is down to the change that has been going on in my life recently. 

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you may have noticed me mentioning a new job... and this is where this post is coming from. I had not even been looking for a job, however I've learnt through life that you have to grab opportunities when they come your way and that's what I did. Matt had seen on Twitter a job being advertised that he knew I would love at a company that was just around the corner from where he works, rather than my current place of work which is 60 miles away. I went for the job interview and was successful. 

There have been a lot of changes taking place over the past few weeks. Only 3 weeks ago I was living and working in Kendal in the Lake District in a job that I enjoyed with a company who I am ever thankful to, managing all their marketing and online activities, and now only 3 weeks later my apartment is on the market, I start my new job in a matter of days and Matt and I need to find somewhere to live in Lancashire... otherwise we'll be homeless. 

I am extremely excited to start my new job as I know I am going to be challenged, have new opportunities and will love it plus I will have the chance to work with bloggers which is always fun! However I am a little sad to leave my old work behind, after making such good friends with my colleagues, and I am a little anxious about having to find somewhere to live so quickly, especially in an area I have never even really visited before... never mind know! Plus I HATE moving house as I get very stressed and anxious... so I have that to look forward to. 

But life is for living and for grabbing opportunities, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. So starting Wednesday I will be working in a new company, in a new job position, will be looking for a new home, in an area Matt and I don't really know. But I do know I'm excited!

We will miss the friends and family that we will be leaving behind, but are ready to see what the next few years bring down in Lancashire. It's only down the road... as I keep saying to my mum who is going to miss me like mad... it's not like I'm moving back to France. But I am actually excited about being unsettled for a while... not knowing what is coming around the corner fills you with anticipation.

I'm ready for my next challenge in life.

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