8 Natural Ways to Treat Hypothyroidism
Are you fatigued, chilly, depressed; inexplicably gaining weight; or suffering from dry skin, thinning hair, brittle nails, constipation or assorted aches and pains? Having trouble getting—or staying—pregnant? You might have been told that your problems are “all in your head.” Or perhaps a doctor checked your thyroid levels and told you that they’re normal. In either case, you actually may be deficient in thyroid hormone, or hypothyroid.
Located in the front of your neck, your thyroid gland controls your metabolism and keeps your whole body functioning properly. More than 12 million American adults have been diagnosed with thyroid disease, and nearly 10 million of those are hypothyroid. Many experts believe the actual rates are considerably higher, and the numbers keep growing. The majority of people affected are women, with the risk increasing during pregnancy and with age.
The past 30 years have s een an epidemic of hypothyroidism, says David Brownstein, M.D., medical director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Mich., and author of Overcoming Thyroid Disorders (Alternative Medical Press). He attributes this growth to dietary deficiencies and toxins associated with our modern lifestyle, both of which also lead to obesity and chronic illnesses like type II diabetes, Brownstein says.
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune disorder, but many people simply have a thyroid gland that does not function optimally. They often go undiagnosed, however. “The symptoms of hypothyroidism are just part of what’s considered the ‘background noise’ of American life,” says Eric Gordon, M.D., an integrative physician in Santa Rosa, Calif.
Best Tests
If you think you might be hypothyroid, your first step is to get your hormone levels tested properly. The standard diagnostic test is to check your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level. If it’s above the normal range, it indicates your thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone and the pituitary gland in your brain is sending messages to make more. If TSH is low, the reverse is true and you might be hyperthyroid. Many doctors make a diagnosis based on this test alone. But, “TSH levels don’t tell you what circulating thyroid hormones are doing in your body,” says Gordon. Additionally, although the parameters have been revised every few years, many experts believe the standard TSH test is still not sensitive enough to catch many cases of hypothyroidism. You need to ask your doctor for a full thyroid panel: TSH, free circulating T4, T3 and reverse T3. Equally important is finding a doctor who will take the time to listen to how you feel, even if your numbers are in the “normal” range. “Your numbers are a useful tool, but we’ve made them the final arbiter,” Gordon says. “If you have symptoms that are consistent with low thyroid, I would consider treatment regardless of your numbers.”
Synthetic of Natural?
If you’re diagnosed as hypothyroid, you’ll be prescribed medication. The conventional treatment is levothyroxine, a synthetic but bio-identical hormone prescribed under several brand names. It works well for people with low T4, but those with low T3 do better on natural desiccated glandular drugs made from animal sources. The two most commonly prescribed are Armour and Nature-Throid, and they are not to be confused with over-the-counter “glandulars,” Brownstein says. Whether or not you are on medication, or are hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, here are some natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can help optimize your thyroid health.
Check Your Iodine Level
The thyroid gland has the bod y’s highest concentration of iodine. When you’re lacking iodine, the gland can malfunction, leading to either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, even thyroid cancer, explains Brownstein. The recommended iodine intake for adults is 150 micrograms daily, but consumption has fallen dramatically over the past 30 years, partly because so many people have cut back on salt (half a teaspoon of iodized or sea salt provides 65 micrograms). Kelp (seaweed) is a great source of iodine, as is salt-water fish like cod, haddock and perch. (Eat it fresh, as iodine degrades the longer fish is out of the water.) You can also supplement, but “Get your iodine levels checked first,” says Brownstein: Too much iodine is as problematic as too little. Try: Now Foods Kelp ($4 for 200 150-microgram tablets; iherb.com).
Banish Bromine
Another reason for our low iodine levels is that in the 1970s, it was replaced by bro mine as a dough enhancer in flour. Bromine also inhibits iodine’s effects in the body, worsening deficiency. Stick to sprouted, wheat-free brands or bake your own. Try: Ezekiel (foodforlife.com) or Manna (mannaorganicbakery.com) breads and, for home baking, King Arthur Flour (kingarthurflour.com). In addition, avoid foods containing brominated vegetable oils, which are also often found in citrus-flavored soft drinks. Methyl bromide is a pesticide that is mainly used on strawberries, so wash them well or buy organic varieties. Bromine also often substitutes for chlorine in swimming pools and hot tubs. As polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), it’s prevalent as a flame retardant in cars, electronic equipment, home furnishings and clothing. “Bromine is absorbed through the skin and through inhalation,” says Brownstein. Minim ize your exposure whenever possible. Try: Nontoxic home furnishings (ecobydesign.com) and organic clothing from Blue Canoe (bluecanoe.com).
Tweak Your Diet
Eat whole foods free from pesticides, hormones and other toxins, Brownstein advises. Also be aware that some foods that are otherwise good for you, including soy and cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, bok choi and Brussels sprouts), are thought to exacerbate hypothyroidism. But this is true only if you are already hypothyroid and your iodine intake is low or marginal. If so, eat them in moderation, and when cooking with them try Asian stir-fry and soup recipes that include iodine-rich seaweed.
Seek Selenium
Deficiency of this mineral, though rare in the U.S., can contribute to hypothyroidism. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adults is 55 micrograms daily (400 microgr ams is the recommended upper limit). Brazil nuts are unusually high in selenium, providing 544 micrograms per ounce. Tuna, cod and light meat turkey are good sources as well. You can also supplement. Try: Club Natural Selenium ($5 for 100 50-microgram capsules; physicianformulas.com).
Stress Less
Your adrenal glands produce stress hormones, and chronic stress and insomnia can cause adrenal fatigue. That in turn, can lead to thyroid resistance, meaning your cells do not absorb the thyroid hormone you make. “During times of chronic stress, your body slows down to conserve energy,” says Gordon. “If this goes on for a long time, you start to get symptoms.” Reduce the stressors in your life, and get seven to eight hours of restorative sleep at night.
Take Adaptagenic Herbs
These have been found to help the body deal with fatigue and stress, as well as help n ormalize hormone systems. Two effective herbs are rhodiola (50 to 100 milligrams a day) and ashwagandha (500 milligrams two to three times a day) Try: Solaray Rhodiola Extract ($12 for 30 100-milligram capsules; vitaminshoppe.com); and Pure Encapsulations Ashwagandha ($17 for 60 500-milligram capsules; drugnatural.com).
Do Iyengar Yoga
This type of yoga, which focuses on correct body alignment, can be therapeutic. “I’ve had students who have been able to lower the dosage of their thyroid medication, and a few who have been able to go off it under their doctor’s supervision,” says Marla Apt, a faculty member of the Teacher Training Program of the Iyengar Yoga Association of Southern California. Inverted poses like Shoulder Stands and Ploug hs are particularly helpful. You can find a qualified teacher or class at iynaus.org.
Go slowly into old age
Not everyone who is hypothyroid has severe symptoms. Some people just feel a bit cold and can live with that, says integrative physician Eric Gordon, M.D. And if you want to get your 100th birthday greeting from Willard Scott, you might decide to go that route: Studies have shown that low thyroid is associated with longevity and is a characteristic of many centenarians
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