Thursday, May 29, 2014

3 Things to Know Before Using a Fitness Tracker

3 Things to Know Before Using a Fitness Tracker

Trackers are all the rage right now. Here's how to make sure you buy the right one.

Everyone seems to be cataloguing their physical activity with a fitness tracker these days. And why not? They're another way to get ahead in your workouts and keep your health in check. 

These new devices are great, but only if you know how to choose 'em and use 'em right. Nate Meckes, M.S., Ph.D, an assistant professor of applied exercise science at Azusa Pacific University, has studied the accuracy of fitness trackers and how to wear them most effectively. Here, he explains three things to know before you take the plunge with a new device.

You Need to Consider Function and Form
To pick the best tracker, first you have to know what you want to track, what activies you do regularly. "Depending on where the monitor is worn, there will be limitations," says Meckes. "A hip-worn monitor, for example, tends to miss activities like cycling and push-ups." If you're more into weight lifting than long-distance cardio, certain devices will work better for you; Meckes says the PUSH ($149, assesses metrics related to strength training. If heart rate is most important, then make sure your tracker measures that—because not every tracker does. 

What should you keep in mind in terms of form? If you want to wear your tracker at the office, choose something discreet like the Fitbit Flex ($99.95, If you want something lightweight, don't choose a device that straps to your chest. 

You Should Try a Smartphone App or Watch If You're a Beginner
Most fitness trackers today are catered toward the super-active. "These people want to know more information about the quality and quantity of their workout," says Meckes. "It's not enough to know that you ran eight miles, they want to know what was the heart rate breakdown per minute for the duration." He says people who simply want to become more active and start a fitness program should take a look in the smartphone and smart watch app categories. These apps are designed to get people motivated and moving, and provide feedback. Meckes suggests the GetTrainr app, which pairs with a Samsung Galaxy Gear smart watch ($174, and teaches users the proper way to do various forms of exercises.

Remember That Buying a Tracker Is Committing to a Lifestyle Change
The biggest thing to know before using a tracker? It will only be helpful if you use it regularly. "One day of data is never enough," says Meckes. "Start to look at trends over time with your activity patterns. One good day doesn't justify taking two days off. Use the data in an effective way." And note that that doesn't always mean you need to go harder. "If your heart rate is elevated one day and everything seems more difficult than normal, scale back on the workout. Your body is telling you that it needs to recover," says Meckes. The tracker can be your motivational tool or the tap on your shoulder telling you to back off a bit.

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