Thursday, November 21, 2013

Your Best Habit's Worst Enemy

Your Best Habit's Worst Enemy

Call it the atta-boy paradox: When people applaud your good behavior, you're more likely to abandon it, shows a new study from New York University. 

Compared to those offered no feedback on their shopping choices, people who received kudos on the environmental friendliness of their purchases were 25 percent less likely to recycle during a follow-up experiment. 

Similarly, if your coworker applauds your regular gym routine or a friend admires your restraint at the buffet line, that positive feedback will probably make you more likely to slack off from your healthy habits, says study coauthor Chiara Longoni.

When someone praises your behavior, your brain tends to view it as "complete" and "validated," Longoni says. And that sense of completeness weakens your motivation to continue your commendable actions, she adds. "For example, a person who flaunts a yoga mat in his office may be less likely to visit a yoga studio if his coworkers point it out."

To keep your good conduct going, focus on the big picture--or your "macro" goals, Longoni says. After all, buying local produce or going to the gym after work are only small steps toward larger objectives. By reminding yourself that your target is to protect the earth or stay fit into your later years, you can shrug off the urge to go easy after receiving a little praise, she says. Offering yourself small rewards is another great way to stick with your best habits.

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