Sunday, September 8, 2013

Are Your Tattoos Costing You the Job?

Are Your Tattoos Costing You the Job?

Your ink could cause more harm than you think: Tattoos may reduce your chances of landing a job, finds new research from the University of St. Andrews.

In the study, managers reported negative perceptions toward tattooed applicants. Some said that tattoos are the first thing hiring mangers talk about when you leave; others admitted that if there were two equal applicants, they’d probably choose the one without a tat.

How come? In this study in particular, managers worked for hotels, banks, and universities—organizations with customers who may still view tattoos in a negative light. But “it all depends on the type of customer,” says study author Andrew Timming, Ph.D. In fact, some companies proactively recruit employees with tattoos, Timming says. Nearly 40 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds in the U.S. are inked up, and “when these people age, the stigma attached to tattoos will diminish,” he says.

If you’re thinking about getting body art—and concerned about how it could impact a future gig—pick skin that’s not visible under clothes (your chest, shoulder, or back). And if your tattoo’s out in the open, consider the content. No matter the industry, tattoos with racist innuendo or those that depict images of violence or drugs are likely to provoke a more negative response, Timming adds.

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