Friday, August 23, 2013

The #1 Reason to Keep Your Mouth Clean

The #1 Reason to Keep Your Mouth Clean

Skimping on brushing your teeth could do more than cause cavities. In a new study at the University of Texas, people who reported poor oral health—including gum disease and other dental problems—were 56 percent likely to have oral HPV infection.

Researchers discovered the link even after adjusting for smoking and oral sex behavior, other known HPV risk factors.

While the researchers don’t fully understand why, one possible connection could be that HPV needs wounds in the mouth to enter and infect the oral cavity. Poor oral health, which can include ulcers and chronic inflammation, may create that entry point, the researchers say.

As with genital HPV infection, not all oral HPV infections will cause cancer. But researchers believe that anywhere from 40 percent to 80 percent of oropharyngeal cancers are caused by HPV.

The good news: You can easily prevent infection. Besides the basics—brushing, flossing, and regular checkups—say no to tongue and lip piercings and don’t smoke, says Cleveland-based dentist Matthew J. Messina, D.D.S. Chewing sugarless gum can improve saliva flow, which reduces bacteria. And for even better oral hygiene, brush your tongue, holding the tip of it with one hand and using your other to scrape the surface with a toothbrush.

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