Friday, August 23, 2013

Bath Time| My current skin pampering picks

Bath Time| My current skin pampering picks


ebody face cleansing mitt 1ebody face cleansing mitt 3-horz

We all need a little me time every now and again. I am not the sort of girl who has weekly baths as I never seem to actually have the time to do that. But I understand the need to relax and have a soak for an hour every now and again. I think it is one of the only times when I don’t have my phone or iPad in hand and I’m not busy working out, blogging, taking pictures, etc.

So the other evening Matt switched the football on and I took it as an opportunity to pamper myself and as I have some new favourite products I thought I could share with you what I am loving for my skin at the moment. So below are my picks for skin pampering at the moment.

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Although Nivea Diamond Touch Cream Oil is actually as sho wer gel I use it as a soap while in the bath also. It smells gorgeous, is really creamy and lathers up great; perfect for shaving your legs! I love that it has the diamond shimmer in it, as it makes your skin look healthy and dewy and amazing in the summer sun (where did that go?)

Soap and Glory Breakfast Scrub is one of my all time favourite skin products. It smells like maple syrup, is tough enough to actually scrub your skin, but soft enough to not damage it. I have previously written a review on it here.

Sanctuary Luxury Bath Float is an absolute dream! I love a lot of Sanctuary products mainly because of their smell. I always receive a load of these products at Christmas and on my birthday, but they are actually a luxuary product at a high street price. Whenever I use a Sanctuary Product I feel like I’m at a spa.

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Soap and Glory The Greatest Scrub of All was a grower for me. This is actually my second tube and I have learnt to not keep the tube in the shower, as my last one ended up being watered down some how. This second tube is working much better for me, it is more of a gentle exfoliator so not good if you wanted something more powerful. But the beads in this exfoliator are tough enough to get in around the nose and scrub off dead skin, leaving you with smoother feeling skin.

eBody Face Cleansing Mitt* is again a grower o n me. It is a alternative to face wipes. All you do is damp the mitt and wipe it over your face. The micro-brush technology removes all make-up and lotion from your face without having to use harmful and powerful cleansers. I had to try it a few time to really see the benefit, but am loving that it is a much gentler way to clean your skin. It is perfect for those with sensitive skin as you aren’t using harsh chemicals on your skin. I use this when I am pampering or when in a rush to wash my face as its quick but gentle and relaxing.

Soap and Glory No Clogs Allowed is my current facemask choice. I don’t think it is my favourite, as for me it’s not powerful enough, I don’t feel like my skin is totally clean and purified after using it. I much prefer clay or self heating masks as feel they really open my pores and clean them out. If anyone has any recommendations for me then let me know!

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Soap and Glory Genius Amazing Foot Cream is probably one of the few footcreams I have tried but I do love it. It is refreshing and very moisturising. I admit I use it on myself and on Matt… everyone needs to look after their feet not just us women! It isn’t sticky and really soaks into the skin.

Soap and Glory Smoothie Star is the perfect moisturiser after a relaxing bath. It smells divine! It really works well after using Soap and Glory Breakfast Scrub as they have similar smells. Although it is a strong moisturiser it still soaks w ell into the skin, however I wouldn’t use it every day as it doesn’t soak into your skin immediately, it’s more of a night-time product.

Fushi Really Good Cellulite Oil* smells amazing! I was a little sceptical as it’s an oil and I hate having products that don’t soak into my skin well, which a lot of the time are oil based products, however only a little bit of this oil goes a long way and it really does soak into your skin. I use a couple of drops of this one each of my thighs and bum as they are the only areas where I have a small amount of cellulite. It really helped my skin tone before my holiday and I felt a hell of a lot more confident in my bikini after using this oil. It is packed full of herbs that stimulate circulation and hence reduce the appearance of cellulite. To me it smells inten se and citrus like; probably because of the grapefruit!

Simple Kind to Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser is a staple in my skin care. I suffer from the dreaded oily t-zone so face moisturisers that work can be difficult to find, but for me nothing beats Simple! It moisturises my skin perfectly but still leaves a matt finish and perfect base for my foundation. Plus it a super cheap!

What do you think of my picks? Have you ever used any of these products? Or have I helped you find some to add to your wishlist?

Check out Sami’s gorgeous lifestyle blog; That Red Head Said; full of food, life, mental health and beauty.  I love how her blog is honest down to earth, a mix of topics  and regularly updated.

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