Infection with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Low-risk HPV virus can cause genital warts (genital wart disease) that can heal itself with immunity. Highly lethal virus that has become a threat for the women. But in high-risk HPV virus types (types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 45), the virus can alter the surface of vaginal cells. Cleanliness sex organs must be kept clean, if not promptly detected and treated, the HPV virus infection in the long run this can cause cells to form pre cervical cancer.
Unsafe sex, especially at a young age or having multiple sex partners, allowing the occurrence of HPV infection. Hands-free sex has always been a major factor penmyebaran this virus, sex education needs to be improved for young women understand the importance of maintaining her cunt. Three of the four new cases of HPV infection attacks the young women (aged 15-24 years). HPV Virus Infection can occur within the first 2-3 years they are sexually active. At the age of adolescents (12-20 years) female reproductive organs are actively growing. Stimulation of the penis / semen can trigger changes in the nature of the cells become abnormal, especially if the injury occurs during intercourse and then infection with HPV virus. These abnormal cells that contain high potential cause of cervical cancer. More info on Now there are several vaccines that prevent infection from some types of HPV.
Other Risk Factors Smoking:
Women who smoke are two times more likely to get cervical cancer than those who do not. Prohibition was always there for smoking can be reduced in the community. Cigarettes contain many toxic substances / chemicals that can cause lung cancer. Hazardous substances were brought into the bloodstream throughout the body to other organs as well. By-products (by-products), cigarettes are often found in cervical mucosa of women smokers.
HIV infection: HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS-is not the same with HPV. It can also be a risk factor for cervical cancer. Having HIV somehow make a woman's immune system less able to fight both HPV infection and cancers at an early stage.
Chlamydia infection: This is a common bacteria that attacks the organs of women, spread through sexual intercourse. Up everything else that free sex is very harmful for you and your partner. Diet: What you eat can also play a role. Diet low in vegetables and fruits may be associated with increased risk of cancer seviks. Also, women are obese / overweight are at higher risk.
Birth control pills: Use of birth control pills in the long term may increase the risk of cancer serviks.Dan excessive use increase the chances of contracting the virus that causes cervical cancer.
First pregnancy at a young age: Women who get pregnant the first at age under 17 years almost always 2x more likely to be affected by cervical cancer in old age, government regulations encourage married women over age 21 was to prevent the risk of cervical cancer than women who delay pregnancy until the age of 25 years or older. Poor women are at risk of cervical cancer is higher. This may be because they are unable to obtain adequate health care, such as Pap smear tests regularly. There should be a breakthrough for free pap smears for poor women.
Family History: Cervical cancer may run in some families. When Mom or your sister has cervical cancer, your risk of this cancer can be 2 or 3 times as much from others who are not. This may be because women are less able to fight HPV infection than other women in general.
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